French Language Courses

French Language Courses in Dubai

Learn French with our French Language course in Dubai. French is the official language of twenty-nine countries spanning five continents and counting over 235 million speakers. It is a language with a literary history dating back to the 11th Century, being the oldest vernacular form of Latin. Today, it exerts strong influence in areas of literature, film, art, fashion and industry and is the lingua franca of many multinational companies. With our French classes we not only expose you to a different language, but also open up new horizons.

Enhanced Communication Skills

Our accredited French courses are designed to help you develop proficiency in any or all four aspects of the language: listening, reading, writing, and speaking.
Whether it is for work, travel or fun, speaking French will give you a glimpse into a world of new possibilities.

Better Career Opportunities

French is one of the official UN languages and is considered the primary language in many international and governmental organizations. Moreover, many multinational companies hail from France, making it a language worth learning if you are seeking better career opportunities.

Language Assessment

In addition to general French courses, we also offer exam preparation courses to prepare you to sit for the DELF (Diplôme d’études en langue française) exam.
This standard exam is recognized by France’s Ministry of Education and is used as proof of proficiency when immigrating or applying to study at a university in a French-speaking country.

Course Options to Suit Every Need

Choose from a range of options – classroom courses in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, or live online. All courses are supported by a state-of-the-art LMS, interactive content and the ability to see and measure one’s progress

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